In the previous guides we’ve covered how you can use our integrations with API Keys or OAuth, but in both cases those authentication credentials belong to you the developer.

If you want to use our integrations using auth credentials of your users you can use an Auth Resolver which allows you to implement your own custom auth resolving using a third-party service like Clerk or Nango

In this guide we’ll demonstrate how to use’s Social Connections to allow you to make requests with your user’s Slack credentials and the official Slack integration

We won’t be covering how to setup and their Social Connections to get the auth. This guide assumes you already have all that setup.

1. Install the Slack integration package

npm install

2. Create a Slack integration

import { Slack } from "";

const byoSlack = new Slack({
  id: "byo-slack",

3. Define an Auth Resolver

Using your TriggerClient instance, define a new Auth Resolver for the slack integration:

import { Slack } from "";
// Import your TriggerClient instance. This is merely an example of how you could do it
import { client } from "./trigger";

const byoSlack = new Slack({
  id: "byo-slack",

client.defineAuthResolver(byoSlack, async (ctx) => {
  // this is where we'll use the clerk backend SDK

4. Define a job

Before we finish the Slack Auth Resolver, let’s create an example job that uses the Slack integration:

import { z } from "zod";

  id: "post-a-message",
  name: "Post a Slack Message",
  version: "1.0.0",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "post.message",
    schema: z.object({
      text: z.string(),
      channel: z.string(),
  integrations: {
    slack: byoSlack,
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await io.slack.postMessage("💬", {
      text: payload.text,

As you can see above, we’re passing the byoSlack integration into the Job and using it by calling io.slack.postMessage.

5. Install the Clerk backend SDK

npm install @clerk/backend@latest

6. Import and initialize the Clerk SDK

import { Clerk } from "@clerk/backend";

// Clerk is not a class so the omission of `new Clerk` here is on purpose
const clerk = Clerk({ apiKey: process.env.CLERK_API_KEY });

7. Implement the Auth Resolver

Now we’ll implement the Auth Resolver to provide authentication credentials saved in for Job runs, depending on the account ID of the run.

client.defineAuthResolver(slack, async (ctx) => {
  if (!ctx.account?.id) {

  const tokens = await clerk.users.getUserOauthAccessToken(, "oauth_slack");

  if (tokens.length === 0) {
    throw new Error(`Could not find Slack auth for account ${}`);

  return {
    type: "oauth",
    token: tokens[0].token,

The first parameter to the Auth Resolver callback is the run context (reference docs), which optionally contains an associated account (more on this below).

If the Auth Resolver returns undefined or throws an Error, any Job Run that uses the byoSlack integration will fail with an “Unresolved auth” error.

Bonus: Multiple Slack integration clients

If you want to also use Slack with your own authentication credentials, you can always create another slack integration with a different id.

const ourSlack = new Slack({ id: "our-slack" });

  id: "post-a-message",
  name: "Post a Slack Message",
  version: "1.0.0",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "post.message",
    schema: z.object({
      text: z.string(),
      channel: z.string(),
  integrations: {
    byoSlack: byoSlack,
    ourSlack: ourSlack,
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await io.byoSlack.postMessage("💬", {
      text: payload.text,

    await io.ourSlack.postMessage("📢", {
      channel: "C01234567",
      text: `We just sent the following message to ${ctx.account?.id}: ${payload.text}`,

How to Trigger Job runs with an Account ID

Now that we have a working Auth Resolver for Slack we’re ready to start triggering jobs with an associated account ID. The way you do this is different depending on the Trigger type.

Event Triggers

Jobs that have Event Triggers can be run with an associated account by providing an accountId when calling sendEvent:

// This is an instance of `TriggerClient`
await client.sendEvent(
    name: "post.created",
    payload: { id: "post_123" },
    accountId: "user_123",

The accountId value is completely arbitrary and doesn’t map to anything inside, but generally it should be a unique ID that can be used to lookup Auth credentials in your Auth Resolvers.

You can also send events with an associated account ID from the run of another job:

  id: "event-1",
  name: "Run when the event happens",
  version: "0.0.1",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "",
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    //send an event using `io`
    await io.sendEvent(
        name: "post.created",
        payload: { id: "post_123" },
        accountId: "user_123",

When a run is triggered with an associated account ID, you’ll see the account ID in the run dashboard:

Scheduled Triggers

Running a job with an associated account ID that is triggered by a Scheduled Trigger works a bit differently than Event Triggers as you’ll need to convert your normal intervalTrigger or cronTrigger into using a Dynamic Schedule and then registering schedules with an associated account ID.

1. Convert a job to using a Dynamic Schedule

First let’s convert the following job from an intervalTrigger to a Dynamic Schedule:

// Before
  id: "scheduled-job",
  name: "Scheduled Job",
  version: "1.0.0",
  trigger: intervalTrigger({
    seconds: 60,
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await"This runs every 60 seconds");

// After
export const dynamicInterval = client.defineDynamicSchedule({ id: "my-schedule" });

  id: "scheduled-job",
  name: "Scheduled Job",
  version: "1.0.0",
  trigger: dynamicInterval,
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await"This runs dynamic schedules");

As you can see above, we’ve dropped the specific interval when defining the trigger as that will now be specific when registering schedules.

2. Register a schedule

You can now use the dynamicInterval instance to register a schedule, which will trigger the scheduled-job:

import { dynamicInterval } from "./dynamicSchedule";

// Somewhere in your backend
await dynamicInterval.register("schedule_123", {
  type: "interval",
  options: { seconds: 60 },
  accountId: "user_123", // associate runs triggered by this schedule with user_123

As you can see above, we’ve associated this registered schedule with an accountId, so any runs triggered by this schedule will be associated with "user_123"

The first parameter above "schedule_123" is the Schedule ID and can be used to unregister the schedule at a later point:

import { dynamicInterval } from "./dynamicSchedule";

// Somewhere in your backend
await dynamicInterval.unregister("schedule_123");

You can also use register/unregister inside another job run and it will automatically create a Task:

import { dynamicInterval } from "./dynamicSchedule";

  id: "event-1",
  name: "Run when the event happens",
  version: "0.0.1",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "",
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await dynamicInterval.register("schedule_123", {
      type: "interval",
      options: { seconds: 60 },
      accountId: "user_123", // associate runs triggered by this schedule with user_123

Will produce the following run dashboard:

If you will only ever add a single schedule for a user on a given Dynamic Schedule, you can just use the accountId as the Schedule ID

const accountId = "user_123";
await dynamicInterval.register(accountId, {
  type: "interval",
  options: { seconds: 60 },

Webhook Triggers

Running a job with an associated account ID that is triggered by a Webhook Trigger requires converting to the use of a Dynamic Trigger

Dynamic Trigger’s work very similarly to Dynamic Schedules, but instead of registering schedules, you register triggers:


Create Dynamic Trigger

Using the GitHub integration we’ll create a Dynamic Trigger that is triggered by the onIssueOpened event:

import { Github, events } from "";

const github = new Github({
  id: "github",

const dynamicOnIssueOpenedTrigger = client.defineDynamicTrigger({
  id: "github-issue-opened",
  event: events.onIssueOpened,
  source: github.sources.repo,

Use the Dynamic Trigger

Now we’ll use the Dynamic Trigger to define a Job that is triggered by it:

  id: "listen-for-dynamic-trigger",
  name: "Listen for dynamic trigger",
  version: "0.1.1",
  trigger: dynamicOnIssueOpenedTrigger,
  integrations: {
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await io.github.issues.createComment("create-issue-comment", {
      owner: payload.repository.owner.login,
      issueNumber: payload.issue.number,
      body: "First! 🥇",

Define Auth Resolver

Define an Auth Resolver to fetch the GitHub OAuth token from

client.defineAuthResolver(github, async (ctx) => {
  if (!ctx.account?.id) {

  const tokens = await clerk.users.getUserOauthAccessToken(, "oauth_github");

  if (tokens.length === 0) {
    throw new Error(`Could not find GitHub auth for account ${}`);

  return {
    type: "oauth",
    token: tokens[0].token,

If you are using clerk, you’ll probably want to Add additional scopes to be able to do useful things with the GitHub integration. For example, if you plan on registering GitHub triggers you’ll need write:repo_hook and read:repo_hook or just admin:repo_hook. If you want to create issues you’ll need repo or public_repo.


Register a new trigger

Finally, we can register a new Trigger at “runtime”, either inside another Job run or in your backend:

// Register inside another job run:
  id: "register-issue-opened",
  name: "Register Issue Opened for Account",
  version: "0.0.1",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "register.issue.opened",
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // This will automatically create a task in this run with the `` as the Task Key.
    await dynamicOnIssueOpenedTrigger.register(,
        owner: payload.owner,
        repo: payload.repo,
        accountId: payload.accountId,

// Register in your backend:
// This skips creating a Task since it's outside a job and will just call our backend API directly
async function registerIssueOpenedTrigger(
  id: string,
  owner: string,
  repo: string,
  accountId?: string
) {
  return await dynamicOnIssueOpenedTrigger.register(

Testing jobs with Account ID

If a job uses any integrations with an Auth Resolver that requires an account ID, you’ll need to provide an account ID when testing the job:

Auth Resolver reference

The Auth Resolver callback has the following signature:

type TriggerAuthResolver = (
  ctx: TriggerContext,
  integration: TriggerIntegration
) => Promise<AuthResolverResult | undefined>;

type AuthResolverResult = {
  type: "apiKey" | "oauth";
  token: string;
  additionalFields?: Record<string, string>;

The ctx parameter is the TriggerContext for the run and the integration parameter is the TriggerIntegration instance that the Auth Resolver is being called for. You can use the integration parameter to check the id of the integration to determine which integration the Auth Resolver is being called for:

client.defineAuthResolver(slack, async (ctx, integration) => {
  if ( === "byo-slack") {
    // do something

You can also return additionalFields in the Auth Resolver result which will be passed to the integration when making requests. This is useful if you need to provide additional fields to the integration that are not part of the standard integration options.

client.defineAuthResolver(shopify, async (ctx, integration) => {
  return {
    type: "apiKey",
    token: "my-api-key",
    additionalFields: {
      shop: "my-shop-name",