Tasks are executed after the job is triggered and are the main building blocks of a job. You can string together as many tasks as you want.

All tasks


Gets a customer using their id. Official Plain Docs

const getCustomer = await io.plain.getCustomerById("get-customer", {
      customerId: customer.id, // The customer's unique identifier, likely an ID.


Creates or updates a customer. Official Plain Docs

run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
  // Inside this function, a new customer record is being upserted (inserted or updated).

  // Using object destructuring to extract the 'customer' object from the result of the asynchronous 'upsertCustomer' function.
  const { customer } = await io.plain.upsertCustomer("upsert-customer", {
    // Configuration for upserting a customer record:

    // Unique identifier for the customer record, in this case, based on the email address.
    identifier: {
      emailAddress: "rick.astley@gmail.com",

    // 'onCreate' block defines what to do when a new customer gets created with the given identifier.
    onCreate: {
      email: {
        email: "rick.astley@gmail.com", // Setting the email address.
        isVerified: true, // Marking the email as verified.
      fullName: "Rick Astley", // Setting the full name.
      externalId: "u_123", // Assigning an external identifier.

    // 'onUpdate' block defines what to do when a customer with the given identifier already exists.
    onUpdate: {
      fullName: {
        value: "Rick Astley", // Updating the full name.
      externalId: {
        value: "u_123", // Updating the external identifier.


Creates or updates a timeline entry. Official Plain Docs

// Declaring a constant 'timelineEntry' and using 'await' to asynchronously execute the 'upsertCustomTimelineEntry' function.
const timelineEntry = await io.plain.upsertCustomTimelineEntry("upsert-timeline-entry", {
  // Specifying properties for the timeline entry:
  customerId: customer.id, // Assigning the 'customer.id' to the 'customerId' property.
  title: "My timeline entry", // Assigning the title for the timeline entry.

  // Defining an array of 'components' that make up the timeline entry.
  components: [
      // First component: A text component.
      componentText: {
        text: `This is a nice title`, // The text to display in this component.
      // Second component: A divider component.
      componentDivider: {
        dividerSpacingSize: ComponentDividerSpacingSize.M, // Configuring the size of the divider.
      // Third component: Another text component with additional properties.
      componentText: {
        textSize: ComponentTextSize.S, // Configuring the text size.
        textColor: ComponentTextColor.Muted, // Configuring the text color.
        text: "External id", // The text to display in this component.
      // Fourth component: A text component that displays the 'externalId' property.
      componentText: {
        text: foundCustomer?.externalId ?? "", // Displaying the 'externalId' if available; otherwise, an empty string.

Using the underlying client

You can also use the underlying client to do anything @team-plain/typescript-sdk supports by using runTask:

import { Plain } from "@trigger.dev/plain";

// Creating a new instance of the 'Plain' class and exporting it as 'plain'.
export const plain = new Plain({
  id: "plain", // Unique identifier for this 'Plain' instance.
  apiKey: process.env.PLAIN_API_KEY!, // API key obtained from an environment variable.

// Defining a job using the 'defineJob' method on the 'client' object.
  id: "plain-client", // Unique identifier for this job.
  name: "Plain Client", // Setting a name for the job.
  version: "0.1.0", // Version number for this job.
  integrations: { plain }, // Integrating the 'plain' object into this job.
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "plain.client", // Setting an event trigger with a name.
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // Inside the 'run' function, a task is being executed asynchronously.

    // Executing a task using the 'io.plain.runTask' method.
    const result = await io.plain.runTask(
      "create-issue", // Task name.
      async (client) =>
          customerId: "abcdefghij",
          issueTypeId: "123456",
      { name: "Create issue" }

Example usage

In this example we’ll create a task that updates or creates customer information based on an identifier.

import { Job, TriggerClient, eventTrigger } from "@trigger.dev/sdk";
import {
} from "@trigger.dev/plain";

// Creating an instance of the TriggerClient with a unique identifier "jobs-showcase."
const client = new TriggerClient({ id: "jobs-showcase" });

// Creating an instance of the Plain client. It uses an API key from an environment variable.
export const plain = new Plain({
  id: "plain",
  apiKey: process.env.PLAIN_API_KEY!,

// Defining a job for updating customer information.
  id: "plain-update-customer", // Unique identifier for the job.
  name: "Plain: update customer", // A specific name for the job.
  version: "1.0.0", // Version number for the job.
  integrations: {
    plain, // Integrating the Plain client into this job.
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "plain.update.customer", // Setting an event trigger with a specific name.
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // Inside the 'run' function, an operation is performed to update customer information.

    // Retrieving the 'customer' object using the 'io.plain.upsertCustomer' method.
    const { customer } = await io.plain.upsertCustomer("upsert-customer", {
      identifier: {
        emailAddress: "rick.astley@gmail.com",
      // If the customer isn't found, they will be created with the following details.
      onCreate: {
        email: {
          email: "rick.astley@gmail.com",
          isVerified: true,
        fullName: "Rick Astley",
        externalId: "u_123",
      // If the customer is found, their details will be updated.
      onUpdate: {
        fullName: {
          value: "Rick Astley",
        externalId: {
          value: "u_123",

// If you're not using Express, you can remove these lines.
import { createExpressServer } from "@trigger.dev/express";